Product List

Free-Flow Plate Heat Exchanger Unit

Free-Flow Plate Heat Exchanger Unit

  • Ameridex manufactures plate and frame heat exchangers, plate exchangers, brazed exchangers and specialized heat exchangers. Site includes product descriptions and applications.
  • Germany. Specializes in manufacture of plate heat exchangers, such as gasketed plate models for food processing and brazed plate units for HVAC applications. Site includes details of construction and underlying thermodynamics.
  • UK. Manufactures broad range of heat exchangers and water heating units. Includes plate, shell and tube, multi scrape, and corrugated tube models. Site provides detailed product information and offers downloadable newsletter.
  • UK. Specializes in design, redesign, refurbishment, and service of plate heat exchangers. Can also supply spare parts and new units. Site includes details of available products and maintenance programs.
  • Plate Heat Exchanger Unit

    Free-Flow Plate Heat Exchanger

    Free-Flow Plate Heat Exchanger

    The Free-Flow Plate Heat Exchangers accommodate viscous fluids or those containing fibrous materials or larger particles.

    Free-Flow Plate Heat Exchanger Unit